The Man Behind the Mask
Most of you have not heard the untold story of La Pantera en Los Pantalones, one of the greatest wrestlers who has ever lived. Unfortunately due to some controversy, that may all becoming to an end in a few short days. Mo Mohler was recently outed as the man behind the mask and is making an official announcement this Saturday on his plans. Living the double life he wrestled under the name La Pantera en Los Pantalones for the past 11 years in Mexico. Due to owning a cell phone I was fortunate enough to get an interview with the Mask Legend.
Me: First thing first, La Pantera it is an honor to get this exclusive interview with one of greatest that has stepped in the squared circle. With just days away from your retirement, how are you feeling?
LPeLP: I feel shame that my identity is now known, but I also feel fine leaving the ring. It's been a long career. I'm proud that a white boy from Ohio can become a great Mexican wrestler.
Me: I think it shocked a lot of people who watched you wrestle that (1) You're not Mexican. (2) You don't speak an ounce of Spanish, but yet you wrestled in Mexico for 9 years! Do you think it's the fact that you're 5'4" and everybody just assumed you had to be Mexican being that short? How did you do it?
LPeLP: First of all I'm 5'6" and I wrestled for 11 years. Learn some respect. Anyways, if you yell adios mio enough times people just assume you know Spanish.
Me: Sorry Amigo, so you've been in the business for 11 years then. I still don't believe the height thing though. Anyways, how did you get your start? What was your first big break?
LPeLP: I met my trainer La Charito at a Mexican zoo. It use to pay $20 bucks a night to wrestle panthers. My ring name loosely translates to panther in the pants. He knew I could tell a story with my matches and that story was "that's a sexy man wrestling a large cat." He gave me a contract and it was off to Mexico City.
Me: Who would of guessed you being drunk on some tequila at a zoo and wrestling a panther would lead to one of the most legendary wrestlers of our generation. Was La Charito your trainer and your manager for your whole career?
LPeLP: Part of my gimmick was to bring a live panther to the ring along with my trainer La Charito. One night in Tijuana, La Charito had BBQ sauce on his pants. My panther attacked him and chewed off part of his knee cap. He never get to train again. So I just use the panther as my manager now.
Me: One man's misfortune is another man's gain. Assuming that is where you got your exclusive deal with Jim Ross's BBQ Sauce? Is this the break you needed to get noticed in America as well?
LPeLP: I may come back later as an American wrestler. I just know if I can recreate the magic I had against guys like Pirata Especial, El Ray Fantastico, and Dick Tiger.
My dream match to face Corazon De Leon never happened. I heard he faded into obscurity in America as a wrestler named Chris Jericho. If I wrestle in America maybe I could have that match one day.
Me: Wow, if that match up ever happened we would be talking bigger than Hogan vs. Andre the Giant. Except with two that can actually wrestle of course. I heard it can be pretty violent in the Mexican ring. What is the craziest thing that ever happened to you in a match?
LPeLP: 2010 I wrestled El Guapo Azul, I went through a Spanish announcers table (they're all Spanish announcers tables), twice. I then got bitten by his cobra and broke three bones in my back. I finished the match and never took a day off. Some say it took years off my life. Some say it took years off my life.
Me: And here all this time I thought it was the Vodka & Red Bull's you drank at the Rustic that was taken these years off. As you're getting near the end, do you actually think you can just walk away? What about your fans?
LPeLP: The fans have always been the number one reason for me. Well actually the fame was the number one reason, followed by the fans. No actually it was the money as the number 1 reason, then the fame and then the fans. I've wined and dined with Kings and Queens and I've slept in alleys and dined on pork n beans.
Me: That's definitely quite the ride of lifestyles. Tell me about this retirement, I'm just stunned. You recently took on 15 La Luchodores in a handicap match and won in one minute and thirty seconds. You're at the top of your game and you can just end it all? Why now?
LPeLP: I just have to much respect for Lucha Libre now that my identity has been known I just can't go on. I've been lying to my friends and family for way too long.
Me: There is a rumor floating around the wrestling circles that one of the wrestlers, La Geofredo has been personally attacking you for years and has been trying to get you out of the business ever since you stepped you started. Even going as far this past week to damaging your prized car. Are you worried he is taking credit for you leaving? Any truth to this rivalry?
LPeLP: I believe he's the one that has released my identity. I wasn't too happy when I noticed the car. I'll be the bigger man and not talk trash about him. Don't get me wrong I could say whatever I want and he couldn't even read this if he wanted to. No it's not because it's in English and he is Mexican. He can't read either language.
This Saturday I will challenge him to a match! If I win, he must retire. If I lose I will never wrestle ever again in any country.
Looks like we're all in for a treat this Saturday then!
By: CF
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